Stampin' Up! Diagonal Score Plate

Now available! Yay! I am so looking forward to getting this in the mail. I can't wait to make custom envelopes and projects. This will open up a whole new door on creativity. You can order yours now for just $11.95 (125586). The plate measures a little over 12 x 12 so you are able to score your 12x 12 sheets of paper. Love that! It fits neatly atop your SU! Simply Scored tool and has two silicone pads to keep it in place. I am having a class on March 23rd and 24th featuring this tool. If you would like to learn more about how to use it please be sure to sign up. The class will be FREE to anyone who orders a Simply Scored board this month! See my classes page for details. Happy Stampin' Tricia