Gift Card Flower Bouquet
It is the end of the school year for us.....finally! I can't wait to have my kids home for the summer. I love lounging in PJ's all day, and taking fun day trips to the beach or museums. I'm sure those days will include sibling arguments and a messy house but I choose not to think about that. I have tons of kids activities pinned on Pinterest for those moments I will want to pull my hair out. And when I need a break I will lock myself in my bedroom and skim the internet for new card ideas. That's my plan anyways, we shall see what happens.... Anyways, with the end of the school year comes class parties, school events and teacher gifts. I was room mom for one of my boys classrooms and my co-room mom and I decided on a gift card bouquet for her. It was really fun to put together. I used all of my favorite punches and some techniques I learned from Carrie Cudney herself at the SU convention last year. You can see a quick tutorial on one of the flowers I made here . ...